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Wants to laugh? See this...

Watch what happens to my head! Do you know how it's done?

Story :
In the late 60's, a man walks down the streets of an American city. He stops for a moment to look at a poster on a wall. It depicts a futuristic metropolis. The character starts day-dreaming. He witnesses multiple changes and transformations. The city he is strolling down becomes more and more like the one he was just gazing at. He leaves this intimate fantasy and starts walking again.
Christian Radosavljevic, Florent Mack, Sébastien Bacchia, et Zheng Lu.

How to create a penny shooting latex cannon using a standard size condom, empty roll of toilet paper, and a rubber band.. very Powerful..Caution!

Head & SHoulders

skeleton making money

Funny situation when this guy needs to feed 100 dogs at once in a cage

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